Although the renter has insurance cover from Sekretar Car Rental with certain amount of excess which as pointed out in the rental agreement, the renter is still liable for full damage to the Sekretar Car Rental vehicle or third party which may be involved, if caused by negligence or road conditions not suitable for the vehicle or when driving in riverbeds, through water and driving on any terrain or road whch which have no numbers as well as speeding.
If speeding continues over a certain distance, periodically or 3 times, deposit will be forfeited. All vehicles are equipped with a tracking system.
- Speed limit on national road 120km/h
- Speed limit in the city 40km/h, 50km/h and 60km/h
- Speed limit gravel road 80km/h (This is very important as loose gravel can cause the car to overturn.)
- Tire pressure NOT more than 1.8 bar on gravel roads, 2.0 bar for tar roads
- NO night time driving from Point A to Point B (19H00 - 06H00). Restaurant visits in the city are allowed with the vehicle.
- NO insurance after 19H00
- NO smoking or drinking alcohol in the vehicle
- NO animals in the vehicle
- NO towing allowed
- NO hitchhikers allowed
- NO eating in the vehicle
- NO stepping on the vehicle's roof or bonnet
- Report every incident such as, tire puncture, windscreen damage, stuck in water or mud, driven through potholes and Sand Storm damages, chipped tires, sidewall inflates, deep cosmetic cuts or scratches
- Lost keys (Car keys, Canopy keys, etc.) are the responsiblility of the renter.
- An amount of N$ 400.00 will be added to your account for cleaning services.
- NO REFUNDS. Deposits will be credited towards future fees/bookings and is negotiable with management.
The renter has to agree to the terms and conditions of the insurance cover set out above. The terms and conditions shall form part of the agreement between the renter and Sekretar Car Rental.